question about clean shrimp


Hi all, I was just wondering is it true that cleaner shrimp will get rid of ich on fish by eating it? If so what kind of fish do they like to clean, or what fish like to be cleaned by them?


I have one cleaner shrimp, and he tries to clean the other fish, but they just tease him. They will swim by him, and wait for him to get close, then they swim away. It is pretty funny to see.


my blenndy let mine clean him once so now the cleaner follows him around like a lost puppy. It so funny to watch because the blenndy will go hide in a hole to get rid of the cleaner and and he'll just sit there and wait for the blenndy to pop his head out, i think the blenndy gets mad at him following him wherever he goes but he wont bite the cleaner no matter what he does. :happyfish


Oh ok thanks for the replies. So more than likely the fish wont let the shrimp clean it? I think I still would like to get one anyways.