Question about CLOWNS????


New Member
I was wondering if it would be ok to have two ocellaris clowns together, and if anyone would recommend it. I have one now and it doesnt do much but stay by the glass, and i was wondering if I got another one if it would start to swim around more. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Well most of the time they will hang out in a corner if they dont have a host anemone or coral
You can try to get another, look for one the same size. They may fight though.


Active Member
Two ocellaris clowns would be ok. Make sure to get one that is smaller than the one you already have or else they would fight.


Active Member
My ocellaris clowns are great together. They love swimming in the current of the powerheads. They zip back and forth in the tank literally all day long. :)


I was able to add a second ocellaris to my tank after a couple months without too much incident. I got one that was bigger than the original one since the first one had already established dominance in the tank. It worked well for me b/c the bigger fish was able to take care of itself when it got picked on from the existing clown. Now they are happily paired and the bigger one is in charge.
I would get another one. A little advice though. Get one that is smaller than the current one, (a better chance of becoming pairs). Also, at you lfs, get a boxed in net ( not sure what they are called) in case they do fight. This way, you can seperate the new one in the square net right next to your first clown fish. They can get used to each other without fighting. I recently added a mate for my clown a couple months ago and had to do that because my female clown kept attacking the new one. She'd grab a hold of his fin and drag him around. It only took a day and now they are best buds!