Color: The Cucumber (Red & Black) has a pink and black, red and black color.
Size: The Cucumber (Red & Black) may grow to 12 inches.
Diet: Omnivore.
Feeding: It likes to eat Eats algae and detritus on sand.
Behavior: The Holothuria edulis is generally peaceful toward other tankmates.
Care: Many consider the Holothuria edulis a medium-maintenance specimen. venemous, it will secrete poisonous membranes if scared or dies.
Lighting: Has lighting needs.
General notes: The Pink and Black Cucumber is supposedly known as `the edible cucumber`. We do not advise that you try this. Sifts through sand, digests algae off of it, and expells out clean pellett shaped sand that breaks back down into clean substrate. Be careful with copper-based medication and extreme nitrate levels. Holothuroids are the odd-Class out in being secondarily non-radial appearing; often looking like strange ornamental sausages, some translucent, others opaque and warty. Cucumber-like! May excrete poison membranes if it dies. In the event of death do several large water changes and place carbon in a net mesh bag near a filter source to help remove toxins.
Water parameters: Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Origin: The Cucumber (Red & Black) is commonly collected from Hawaii.