I had a rock in my system for about 8 months. It has probably 40 or so small dusters on it. Ill skip the bad part about my gf crashing my tanks but all of the fish, inverts, (except one turbo snail) and corals (except one zoo polyp and 3 mushrooms) died. I have my tank set up at my new house and it is cycled and all of the survivers from my 3 tanks are now in the 29 (1 GSM,1 zoo poylp,2 narsissa snails,1 turbo snail, 2 cc stars, 1 brittle star, 3 mushrooms) My question is is it possible that the dusters just dropped their caps and went dormant? My tank has been up and running now for about 3 weeks and it seems that some of them might be comming back i can see "hairs" comming out of some of the tubes that i thought were gone. Or is this just something that happens?