question about feeding ghost shrimp


I like to feed my fuzzies ghost shrimp every so often. I hear people mention gut-loading them, but I have yet to see them actually eat stuff (maybe the fish store keeps them fed :thinking:, I'll ask next time). I'll get them and drop a pellet or two and a few flakes in there and they don't seem the least bit interested.
How do ya'll gut load them? Do you keep the shrimp in a container overnight or something until they get hungry?


Active Member
gut loading like you said just means to feed the shrimp then feed the shrimp to your fish.. sometimes gutloading can be hard to do especially if you want to take the home, gutload them and then feed them to your fish right away..
as with anythign it might take the ghost shrimp two days or so to feel comfortable in a surrounding to eat for you, which means you would have to keep them in a seperate tank..
iw ould just ask your LFS before they scoop them out for you if they can give them a meal and then you can buy them since they will most likely eat at the LFS and not right when they get to your house