Question about Feeding My Shark



I feed my Brown Banded Cat Shark until i see a slight bulge in his stomach so my question is am I feeding him enough? I feed 3 times a week along with my lionfish?


sorry noone awnsered, how long is he? while their small they need more food and nurishment to grow, i would suggest a minimum of 4 times a week, if you dont feed them enought they will slowly starve to death. its happend to me twice allready, i just gave up on bamboo's and moved on to blacktips lol very easy to feed they eat about anything you put in the tank with them(includeing hands) but you also need to vitiman enrich his food and feed him a varied diet for long term sucess. best of luck and if you have anymore questions ask, ill keep looking at this thread and get my fellow shark enthuiast Krj in the conversation.


Active Member
hey sebae not to get off topic but do you currently have sharks now or did you??
if so can i see some pics of any of them? i always like to see shark setups


i sold all my stock before the collection season ended, i took down the pond about 1 week ago because i needed more room. ill have my 15000 gal pond built before arpil 9th because thats when collection season starts for me. ill be posting a diary on the new pond come jan or feb. the main reason i got rid of them is because my pond was only a 12x12 square and my sharks were outgrowing the pond quickly. right now i know i will have a few blacktips, a sharpie or 2 for an experement and possibly a lemon pup. not to mention missilanious rays and groupers.