Question about finishing custom hood


I finished the construction part of my new canopy today and am thinking about my next step. I want to paint the hood, do I need to treat the wood prior to painting it? (I used pine).
Sorry I but I failed 'shop' in both middle and high school :D , however the hood turned out really nice... i'll post pics of it when it is finished if anyone wants to see.
i work in construction for about 5 years and if you treat it now, paint wont stick. if you paint just the outside, there is a finish you can put over the paint wich is a clear latex or something, but in the inside i dont know. i never treated my inside and its been ok. i just treated the outside for water damage of fitting the top or bottom.
If you want to protect the paint use a water based polyurethane once the latex paint has cured which will take 30 days. You could use Minwax Polycrylic, Carver Tripp Super Poly, or Varathane. HTH


Active Member
Just paint the outside whatever color you want. On the inside paint it white. Then on both sides go over it with some type of poly or something. You don't need to wait 30 days for the paint to fully cure. It should be dry in 24-48 hrs. Just read the can of paint you use.
You do need to wait for the paint to fully cure before you put any sort of protective coating over the top of it. I happen to know, because I manage a paint department in a home supply store.


Active Member
Ok you can't put it on while it is still tacky but it does not take 30 days to cure. Maybe certin paints take 30 days to cure but normal paint does not.


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Solvent Based
Ronan Bulletin Colors are high quality, high gloss enamels specially formulated for use on signs and billboards.
Dry Time: @ 70 F; 50% Relative Humidity: Dries to touch - 3 to 4 hours; to handle - 6 to 8 hours; to recoat - 12 hours. Full cure - 7 days. Will take longer to dry under colder or more humid conditions.
Application Methods: Brush, roller or spray.
Generally most people use latex or water based paints and they take 30 days to cure. Solvent or oil based paints take longer to dry, but cure much quicker, normally 7-10 days. My assumption was that latex paint was being used, because most people that I deal with use latex as it is much easier to clean up, dries quicker, and does not have the smell that is generally associated with solvent or oil based paints.