question about future tank makes.........


I currently have a watchman goby in my 75. I am looking at putting a flame angel, purple tang, and small maroon clown in. If i introduce them all at the same time, will my group work?


Active Member
I see nothing wrong with your selection except some might argue that a tang has no place in a tank with a lenght of 4' or less. IMO if you keep your stock down and have proper filtration and water parameters. You should be fine. I would add the clown first, then the angel, and the tang last. Wait at least a couple of weeks between each addition. Good luck.


Active Member
actually your selection is excellent!!
I would suggest waiting 6 weeks between fish addings - this will guarantee acclimation of each species before introducing another fish. It also let's your tank get used to the new fish load.
Barring any unforseen problems you will be able to enjoy your tank fro years to come so waiting a few weeks to get it right rally is not that big a deal.
I'd add a puffer fish too.


Active Member
Your selections are super and If you do choose to add anythign else, stay on the small side. A royal gramma or a flame hawk would add some additional color. I commend you on doing it right and asking first before doing. There are great opinions on how long between opinion is anywhere from 2-3 weeks.
Great luck to you!