Question about hammerhead


Active Member
If conditions are good, it will grow more heads, sometimes it will form a new mouth, and sometimes it will grow a whole new head. Good luck, they are fairly easy to care for.


Active Member
thaw out some frozen food like krill or mysis shrimp and use a turkey baster to put a little near the coral's mouth at night. it should gobble it right up.


New Member
i am just finding out for myself. Hammers are beautiful and easy to care for even under pc lighting as long as they are high in the tank. My hammer just sprouted 5 new heads. I have only had 2 months. my advice: FEED FEED FEED. I thaw out some frozen brine mixed with phyto plankton. Use a turkey baster during the day when their mouths are open. twice a week should be plenty. It is working WONDERS in my tank. My best to you!