Question about Heater


New Member
I just set up my tank, and honestly I dont think the heater is working. How do you tell? Does it just take a while to make a difference? Does it vibrate a bit or anything? (I didnt see an on switch, so I assumed it just turned on when you plugged it in.)


New Member
thanks--its working, i took it outand felt the bottom and it's now warm.
Also, i have a hitchhiker from a piece of LR from my lfs... i think its a box/pom pom crab. Im worried though that it wont survive since I just set my tank up. Right now its in the bag of water the small piece of LR is in. (my sister actually was the first to notice it) should i wait as long as possible before acclimating//putting him in? And..if so, how long is that?


Poor little hitchiker LOL!My hermits have been in from day one and their doing good.Not that i recommend that.Their how i wound up with the aquarium anyway.


Just incase you didnt know you should never take a heater out of water once the power has turned on, the thermal shock can be enough to crack the glass of the heater and cause serious damage to you or your livestock.


crabs should be acclimated 1-2 hours. I can't belive how lucky everyone else is on there hitchhikers
I guess I should not complain, while I haven't gotten any good HH, I also haven't gotten any bad HH.
Thanks fish gods. You also need to look at the lights that you have, will they support an anemone? the pom pom carries two anemones in his claws and uses them for protection and for eating!


New Member
I don't really know much about my lights/ lighting...but what came with it says they are pl-24w *some marking* +10000k two of them are white, and two of them are blue (they are combined 1 white 1 blue, then the next one is the same.)
Does that anemone he has stay small? (he only has one) Or will it eventually grow and get too big for him to carry around?
I found what i think is a Zoo today. (last night I also saw what i think are a few feather dusters or something. They are really small and are inside of the rock, poking out the feather things and going back in when they are scared) It's one zoo. It's a really, really small purple thing with yellow around it. Are zoos always so small, or will it get bigger? Multiply? lol...I'm sorta excited about it.


Sounds like you hit the jackpot, the rock must have come out of someones well established tank! I'm no expert but zoos will get larger. you have to feed the dusters plankton, because they are filter feeders. I don't think the anemone will get huge, if you go reef with your tank he might try to find another one but he wont do tons of damage. How big is your tank? the lights you have sound like they will work, but without more info I can't say for sure.


New Member
12 gallons, with 10 pounds of LR. its JBJ delux.
The LFS is really nice and he actually let me pick a few of the live rock that was in some of his tanks, since they had a lot of coralline (sp?) on some of my pieces are really purple. (the one with the zoos also has the little dusters, and it is completely purple)
The PomPom Crab hides a lot, never moving his back from the rocks...but I can see him waving the anemone around, and sometimes it looks like its stinging the water or something.. a while ago it looked like he was cleaning it. lol.