question about hypo


New Member
how long can you keep a fish in hypo. and is there any problems if they are left in there to long .


Keep them in there for 4 weeks or longer. They should be fine after 4 weeks and then I would bring the salt back up, but you can keep the fish in the qt tank.


Active Member
Normal time, to run hypo, is 4 - 6 weeks. Salinity should be kept at 1.010 or an SG of 14.
Monitor on a daily basis, because it gets too low, fish will start dying. Also, if you have a reef, your fish must be moved to QT, as you cant subject corals or ANY inverts to hypo.


Staff member
Marine fish need to be kept in normal marine enviroment for the long haul. Hyposalinity is a "treatment" not a way of life.