question about ick and QT


New Member
I am new to the saltwater arena. I started my tank about 10 months ago with some damsels. I have not had any problems at all untill recently when I added a Clown, Goby, Coral Beauty and Sailfin. They all got White spots except one damsel, the clown and the Goby(the only survivors). It seemed to come out of nowhere and then they died two days later. I tried putting Garlic in there food and in the tank. It was too late though. How did this happen? How do I prevent it in the future? How do I set up a Hospital or Quarantine tank?
40 gallon tank
11 pounds live rock
Crushed corral
104 fluval filter system
2 power heads
Fish left:
Maroon Clown
5 snails


You can't really prevent ick from being in your tank. If there is a host fish for it to live on, then there could be ick. If a fish gets stressed the ick takes affect and attacks that host fish, because it becomes weak...
Some people say to do a hypo on them, but when my puffer was sick with it, I used medicine, and cleared it right up.
To set up a Q-tank, you take water from your already cycled tank, and put it in there... make sure you have a filter and a heater... no need for much else, just some pvc pipe or something for the fish to hide in for security... try searching the forums about hypo... it's written everywhere, but like I said, I didn't try it... I was afraid it'd stress my fish out too much, but I used Coppersafe, and he is just fine now.


go to the very first post on this forum by beth and print it out, all you need to know is in this post.