question about kent rxp

I read in a previous post where the fellow had quite a bit of success with using this product. I do have a couple questions though before I try it. I"m battling a mild but persistent case of ich in my main tank. It's a FO with some inverts as well as about 10 lbs of live rock.
I intend to remove my starfish as the directions indicate but will the hermit crabs and cleaner shrimp be OK in the tank? The directsion as well as online directions say that some inverts will be stressed. Also, do I need to remove all the live rock as a precaution? I have no corals other than what's naturally on the live rock.


the reason for my succes with rxp was because i removed the fish from the main tank and put them on the hospital tank.
i double the doses and check my water parameter every other day, because this product may polute the water but it didn't for me. i left the fish in the hosp tank for a month and a half and stop using product when i didn't see any sings of ick any more that way it gave time for ick to die off in my main tank. the reason i didn't use hyposalinity was because i didn't have a good gravity meter.


I used garlic from kent 2 months 2 times a day then one day they got velvet spots and died next day
For the garlic soaked food, I am using kyolic brand, is this OK? The stores here are stocked with *nothing* other than greenex practically.
Is there anything else I can try? I've got garlic/vitamin soaked food, cleaner shrimp and just keeping a very close eye on everyone