Question about Lightning.


I'm replacing my lightning system on my tank - It was a Helios system with 4, 36 watt Bulbs.
I'm not 100 percent sure what corals are going to end up in this tank but I want to beable to keep my options open.
What should I be replacing this with? I want something I can simply plug-in and have it work like my Helios set-up did.
I see on these boards alot about JBJ lightning.. Is that moreless the best? I see that they have a unit that goes for ruffly $249-$299 and it has 4, 65 Watt Bulbs.
If I purchased this unit, what can't I keep under these lights besides clams?
Thank you.

cool clown

Hey that is the exact light I have on my 80 gallon. I really like it, like you said I bought some timers and just plugged it in. Very simple. I don't have any corals yet because I just started setting up a new 180 gallon and it is draining all my money. I bought mine for 260.00 and that included shipping. Good luck.:)


Active Member
if you havent bought the fixture yet. I woud recommend getting a custom sealife fixture. It comes with moonlights for about the same price online.