Question about lights


New Member
I have a metal halide light, power compact, and a actinic flourescent bulb. I run the mh on one timer and the other lights on another. How long should I run the metal halide and the others and what times should they turn on and off? I would like to run them later in the evening if I can for better viewing.


what do you have in the tank. if its a fish only and no live rock than just turn the lights on whenever you want to see the fish. for a reef, most people run their lights from 10 to 14 hours a day, and turn the actinics on 1 or 2 hours before the halide and leave them on 1 or 2 hours after the halide goes off.


New Member
It is a reef tank. I have an 80 gallon with 70lbs of live rock. It has some mushrooms, anenomes, and various neat corals that grew on the live rock. I also have some fish. Thank you for the info.


Active Member
Besides "neat," what types of corals? Some are more sensitive to light because they are deep water corals. :cool:
What is the wattage of your metal halide?
What are the dimensions of the tank?
What is the wattage of your PC's?
How do you have everything arranged?


New Member
Well the metal halide is 175 watts and the power compact about 20 watts(I need to look) The tank is 80gl and the dimensions are like 18 deep by like 4ft by 2ft. This is about what it is I need to measure it. The lights are in a hood we made our selves. The MH is on one side kind of angled in the water and the power compact is on the other. The MH lights a little more than half the tank and the compact does the rest. Oh I forgot to mention the compact is a 50/50 with half actinic. I also have an actinic flourescent that we mounted that goes all along the back of the tank close to the water. As for the neat corals I am knew to this hobby and I am not sure what they are. They grew on the live rock. They are like in a little colony and have a hard coral looking base and have tentacles with a little color on the tips. One is green on the tips and the other is pink. I also have a green bubble looking algae starting to grow that looks like tiny green marbles. It is also neat:) I also have something weird that might be bad. I have tons of tiny jellyfish that are turning into anenomes. I have no idea were they are coming from. I now that there is a bad anenome that starts with an A but this is not it because I have those also. These are pink and different. Well that is it.
70Lbs live rock, yellow tang, mandarin, firefish, neon dottyback, blue and yellow damsel, maroon clownfish, condy anenome, long tentacle anenome, Small unidentified anenome that may be a bubble, curlique anenome, feather duster, various mushrooms, various hermit crabs, and snails.