Question about live sand

Hi all,
Since I haven't done this in over 20 years, I'm full of dumb questions (with more to come). Where does live sand come from? I understand that sand from the beach is not the right stuff, because of silicate. Being in Florida (near the coast) I thougt perhaps I could get it somewhere locally. So where is it actually brought in from?
Thanks in advance:)


the live rock comes from the base or rubble zone on the reef. you are correct you cannot or should I say SHOULD NOT use sand from the local eaches due to the polution potential. I suggest you get some aragonite sand or premium playsand (Home Depot carries some) and use a Deep Sand Bed seeded with some agrilive live sand. it will turn the rest of the sand into live sand. Until a few months ago I had been away from the hobby but it comes back qiuckly and if you read alot and hang around this board you will pick up on all of the latest technology used in keeping these creatures. Welcome to the board and remember there are no stupid questions, just learn from what you read and take your time. have fun