question about long tenacle


Hey Guys and Gals,
I just bought a LTA, at the store he was wide open. I got him home acclimated for 45 min. and let him go. He was open for about 10 min then shriveled up. Is he OK? All levels are perfect! Salinity 1.026, temp. 83. Any ideas? Please!


Its been set up for two months, I know not long enough, but I have a serious about of mature lr and ls. Also, I have a PC that has brand new bulbs in it. I was told this was OK by my LFS.


I think you are right! He is just playing games. He shrivels up for a bit, then comes back out. He seems to be playing and trying to climb some of my LR. I think he will be fine, thanks!


Active Member
Its still adjusting to its new home. So what you are seeing is normal, however your lighting is not the correct type for this anemone regardless of what your LFS may have told you. What the LFS neglect to tell you from either ignorance or just wanting to make a sale is, the height of your tank is key in figuring out the type and amount of light needed for photosynthetic inverts. There is no amount of PC lighting that will do for a tank your size for this anemone. My suggestion would be to upgrade to a decent HO-T5 light with individual reflectors or Metal halides.