Question about LR


I bought LR from the lfs store, the rock imo looks really nice, but there seems to be a lot of dead hair like stuff on the rock, one piece of my rock doest have any; it has a lot of hair on it but it is purple and looks cool, will the rock go through a growth cycle, meaning will the stuff that is dead re grow? Also I found in a small cave in the rock what looks to be a orange claw with black pinchers that is all I can see, I only had the rock for two days. I hadnt seen it move at all could it still be alive whatever it is but isnt moving cause it doent feel safe yet. And if it is dead should I try to remove it or let it be. I also found found bristol worms, should I try to catch them or leave them. I would like to leave them as I want as much life as possible, but I would like to try to put some shrooms or some other easy coral in eventually and I though that I heard that bristol worms are not good for any kind of coral.


Active Member
Your rock will have some die off that will make your tank cycle. I would just leave the things you find on the rock alone. Now comes the point when you sit and wait 4-6 wks for the cycle to finish.


If you run your lights , only keep them on for short periods . I had a terrible algae bloom when i kept my lights on during a cycle . my 2nd tank i have left the lights off and have had better success with keeping algae down ..... jmo .... good luck


I left everything on the rock alone. Even aptasia. Oops.
If you see any of that get rid of it. I started with 2 and got 17 that I saw. I just waged war on it today. I won the battle, we will see how the war goes. I got 5 intact in a cup and I am interogating them.