Question about MH's


Well my LFS is selling everything from there big display tank. I inquired about the lighting. They have 3 400w MH lights each with 2 34w PC's. If that makes sence. 1MH + 2 34w PC for each unit. Here is the thing. They are not new in any way. There at least 7 years old. How do these thing hold up over time. I know all the bulbs need to be replaced. But I talked them down to $500 for three units. He wanted $200 each.
Does this sound like a good deal or should I tell him no thanks.


Active Member
IMO not a good deal. You can get used ballasts, new reflectors and new bulbs for that or even less. Might even find new ballasts as well.


Active Member
In 7 years the ballasts have developed a lot. Without knowing what the exact brand of the ballasts are, impossible to say. I'm just saying that for $500 you can get better.


Thank you so much for the advise. Im really at a loss for knowing what to look for in MH. could you point me in the right direction. Most of the ones I have seen and much more expencive.


Active Member
Lighting gurus, please step in...
Depending on what you are looking for, you can go with
- fixture that has 2-3 MH fixtures in it, 2 actinics and lunars
- individual MH pendants
- or if you have a canopy, you could get a good ballast, reflectors that will work with your ballasts and then bulbs for that combination. Then you add actinics if you so desire and even something as simple as a rope lighting for lunars.
Google *retrofitted lighting aquarium* and that should give you some more information from about dot com site and their top pics for retrofit kits for example.
Can you give more info on your tank size? What are you planning on having in there?
For example for our 75g tank which is under setup right now we have a MH fixture that has 2x150W MH, 2x96W actinics and lunars. I bought it used and just bought all new bulbs for it. It's 48" Aqualight Pro HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Light Fixture
For our 150g tank the lighting is going to be retro and the lighting will be
- PFO 400 Watt Dual HQI Metal Halide Ballast
- 2 spider reflectors
- 2x400W XM 15k bulbs
Haven't decided on the actinics and lunars yet
I hope this helps some.


Active Member
Depending on what the equipment actually is, it may be a decent deal. Reflectors can run you 250, if they re lumenarc etc, Those don't really go bad.....Also, is it a retro? Or pendants? What brand of stuff etc. You can get an Ice cap retro kit for 225 shipped. But this is the starting point.With a spider reflector and a less expensive brand of bulb. So 3 would be 675,ish, depending on how you go...upgrade reflector, bulb, etc. But you wont get any other supplemental lighting with it. Ballasts are often warranted for 5 years, but can last much longer. I'd say though at 7 Y.O. they've got some usage out of 'em. If they re good brands etc, I'd take 350.00 cash in there and see what they say. Money talks...
BTW>>>>you wont need 400 watters for a 125, if that's the tank these are for. 250's will do just fine might be able to get away with 175's depending on tank depth., placement. If this is your standard 124, that is...


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
In 7 years the ballasts have developed a lot. Without knowing what the exact brand of the ballasts are, impossible to say. I'm just saying that for $500 you can get better.
actually m58 ballasts have been the same pretty much since they were invented.


I will go and take some pictures of everything to show you guys. This is my first thought of going MH so my knowadge is very limited. Are these 400 seriousl just too much for my tank. Should I be looking for 125w instead.
These are pendants. The LFS has them like 2' off the water on a 300gal tank.