question about my anemone


Active Member
So my buddys anemone just split so he gave me one of the halfs...I have a couple questions...first of all what type is it called? ive heard pink bubble tip or rose bubble tip? my next question it possible to have a non stinging anemone? My brother tells me that they are out there and that this one that I have does not sting? just wondering because I have picked mine up and had nothing happen to other concern is the day I put the anemone in the tank everything was fine and the next morning one out of the two of my seemingly healthy pajama cardinals had any info from you guys is appreciated as always and thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I don't personally know any non venomous types. That's pretty much their main function for catching prey. Some are more toxic than others as some people are more sensitive than others. I've handled mine without issue. Not everyone has a similar experience.
Looks like what is commonly referred to as a Rose Bubble (entackmaea quadricolor). If it can catch it, it may eat it.


Active Member
So I don't understand something...if they are venomous to other fish how do ppl have anemone and other fish without the anemone killing them? Do the fish figure out that they need to stay away from it?


Well-Known Member
Anemones kill people's fish in aquariums all the time. Generally the fish seem to know to stay away. Accept for the ones that have evolved to have a symbiotic relationship with them like clown fish. In which case they have some internal drive that moves them to take small stings at a time in order to build up a resistance to them.
They can be a gamble in reef tanks because they can move and sting coral or if you have small fish once they get large enough to eat them. Otherwise people consider them beautiful to look at and are a challenge to keep. They will die without good lighting and stable environment.


Looks like a bubble tip. (entacmaea quadricolor) Rose,pink, tan, green all the same anemone species. Nice one you have there too.
I bought one called "Strawberry Orange". I've never had a bubble tip eat one of my fish or kill it though. But I've never had cardinals either. I've had tangs, damsels, firefish, dottybacks, angels, gobies, and more but they seem to know to stay away.


I have two anemones in my tank and one of them has been in there for almost a year and I have never had any problems, knock on wood) with any of my fish and one of them is a PJ Cardinal. One reason may be is my clown fish won't let any fish get too close to it. Good luck though.


All anemones have nematocysts which is where the sting comes from. I work here at and have handled all types of anemones. It does depend on the anemone and the person handling it. The only one that I have ever received a noticeable (and really irritating) sting from was a giant carpet anemone.


New Member
All anemones have a stinging ability. As noted above they have nematocysts that sting and immobilize their prey. Some people can touch anemones and others can't get close to them. A buddy of mine breaks out in a severe rash if he touches any anemone, even a bubble tip. I can stick a carpet anemone on the underside of my arm and it won't do a thing, other than stick to me.
What you have is a pink tip bubble, nice looking too. If you are unfamiliar with anemones, don't be surprised if it moves behind a rock and occasionally shrivel up and look like its dying...all normal behavior. Your clownfish will feed it but it will benefit from a weekly feeding from you...try something like frozen krill or squid, thawed of course.
Your PJ Cardinal dying was probably coincidental. Fish have a natural instinct to stay away from anemones. Sure its possible the PJ wandered into it, or the anemone moved during the night and found a sleeping Cardinal (in his pj's), but you may not have found the body if that happened.