Question about my bubble coral?


I know bubbles have sweeping tentacles and at night the bubbles deflate and the tentacles and its mouth will show but what is the brownish hair like substnce that it excretes. It only happens some of the time but it is very unusual!
-Has anyone ever seen this happen? :notsure:
Please respond!


Active Member
since you are posting this in the nano forum, I am assuming you have a nano tank. The only problem that this would have is that it would mess up your water quality in a small tank pretty fast. I would recommend that you try to clean up its waste anytime you see it. Other than that, this is a common occurance. However, I have a long tippet anemone that I did not feed for months (my mh were all it needed) it never pooped. If your anemone is pooping alot, cut down on how much you feed it