question about my external overflow


New Member
I recently purchased a lisghtly used 72g oceanic bowfront tank - stand and top and it came with ALL the goodies.. Sumo, pumps, etc and an external overflow (CPR).
I have NEVER used an overflow before and will be setting everything up this week to transfer my babies to their new home early next week. My question is this.. How reliable are external overflows??? I have heard the pros and cons and everyone has there own opinion on the matter.. The reason I ask is because I JUST bought a brand new place with hardwood floors and having a lovely OVERFLOW onto the carpet will not only upset me personally but will cause me to have to be shot by my better half..
I have seen a number of these actually operating and do not feel there will be any problem. but what are the MAJOR things to look out for and for HOW LONG will I have to be up with it to eb sure it is working properly?
Just a little paranoid I guess but more excited... My biggest concerns are (1) power outage with a flood occuring and (2) same as before...
thanks for any encouragement you can offer...


I am new to this as well. I bought my first external to run on a 45 gallon. It is all plumbed and ready for water. I will be filling it next week, but anyways as far as overflowing I did what a lot of people recomend. I drilled a hole just above the return line, so if the pump shuts down the tank water will only drain to this hole. Once air hits this it is susposed to cause a siphon effect and not let any more water out of the tank. I also installed a one way valve in the return line so the water can only go back into te tank. I hope this helps, I will keep you posted on what happens when I add the water t mmy tank. goodluck, ricky