Question about my maroon

matt b

Active Member
I have one maroon clown in my 29 and I have a 75 cycling right now and was wondering if I got another smaller maroon and put them both in the 75 at the same time what are the odds of them fighting? and the maroon i have now was the male of a mated pair but the female died a few months ago.
I don't think you'll have a problem, i think they like to be in pairs, well at least mine are and they are in a 20 gallon tank!

keith burn

Active Member
New fish in new tank one 1 1/2 times the size of the 2nd clown imo it will be the best odds you will get
good luck


Maroon clowns like mates that are 1/4 their size, this isnt a must as my pair one is 5" and the other 4.5 but the female is more receptive of a smaller mate "supposedly" but mine spawn quite readily