Question about my serpent star


Hi guys and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanaka, Happy Kwanzaa, etc.
I have a serpent star that has done very well since I got him, about 6 months ago. Recently I gt a diamond sleeper goby who has been rearranging the tank. Now my serpent star has been hanging out in front of the tank and sometimes is upside down. He used to hide under rocks until feeding time and them come out to eat. Now he just sits there and I have to spot feed him. Does he need to be able to hide under the rocks that the goby is burying or is he sick?


I also have a serpent star and he stays in the rocks all the time except when I feed, then he comes out briefly, so your behavior does not sound normal at all.
Now mine does not stay on the bottom, he, it, is usually between the first and second layer of rock. You may need more rock in your tank. See if you can move your serpent to a safer place on top of some rocks that isnt in your diamonds path of destruction. I have a blue spot goby, but he is not as aggressive in his digging as yours. Mine moves every few weeks or so, but pretty much stays in his hole after he has created it. Right now, he is with the feather dusters.


Active Member
How do you mean, upside down?
Can you post your specific water parameters? How are you measuring your specific gravity - hydrometer or refractometer?