Question about nano cubes??


I'm considering buying one of these nano cubes in the deluxe model, My question is regarding the lighting. It comes with 2, 24W 50/50 PC bulbs in the attached hood, this doesn't seem like much and I was wondering what kind of coral would survive with these. I'm not really interested in keeping hard corals or anenomes. I had a 10g nano reef last yr but had to sell it because I moved. On that I had the coralife 96w quad hood and I kept shrooms, zoos, soft corals, gsp. Would this stuff survive under jus 2, 24 w PCs or should I go for a setup like my previous?? thanx heres a pic of the tank and lights: :help:


New Member
well my sister and brother in law, have a 12g nano cube dx, are nothing but happy with it. They have changed nothing with the lights, and have had anenomes, and all sorts of corals in it. Every type of coral that they have put in the tank has flourished so much, that they have started to break off large pieces, and replaced it with live rock, so that it will grow and spread to the live rock. I hope that helps. also I have been told that the best mix of light is 3-4w per every g of watter in a tank. so if you have a 12g tank multiplied by 4 than that is 48w.


Active Member
most softies will do find but no for the sps and no for most anemones IMO. and anemone in a nano althought many do it IMO is a bad idea. dirty animal and with a tank that small can cause big problem VERY quickly.


Originally Posted by oceana
most softies will do find but no for the sps and no for most anemones IMO. and anemone in a nano althought many do it IMO is a bad idea. dirty animal and with a tank that small can cause big problem VERY quickly.


Thanx for you replies, I ended up buying a 12G and it arrived Tuesday. It jus has the saltwater in it right now and I just ordered 10lbs LR and 20lbsLS yesterday. Got them for 80.00 total including shipping, good deal!! I only got 10lbs for now cuz I figured most of the coral, shrooms etc.... I buy will be attatched to a piece of rock. :joy: