Question about Nanocube/Aquapod.


For my next project I want to start a nano reef. Ive narrowed it down the 12g nano cube or aquapod. My question is, is there a signifcant difference between the two? The aquapod is 50$ cheaper so Im slightly leaning towards that. However if the nanocube is better, I would most likely choose that one. Both are 54w compact flours aswell. Thanks in advance.


New Member
i have 3 aqua pods. two twelve gallons and one 24 i do not like the filtration on the aquapods because the water level remain the same all the way across the filtration in the back in stead of the last baffle being shallow. i would tell you to go with the other one


I think the last baffle in the nanocube is the same size as well. I have a 24g and have been very pleased with it. Most of the people on here have modded their back chambers and added chaeto as well. If you would like the info on that go to nanonewbs page and click on the blog he has set up. It is super easy to do if you do it before adding water. Its also inexpensive and pretty easy maintenance. PM if you can't find it. Good luck and start up a journal thread when you get the tank!