Question about new skimmer?


I just purchased a Prizm Skimmer (not the best buy I've made) and it's been running for 4 days now. I'm new to this skimming thing so tell me; is the collection cup supposed to be a thick foam or is it supposed to fill with water also. I think I have mine set too high because my cup always fills with water. But when I turn it down it doesn't foam at all. Am I doing it wrong.

mr . salty

Active Member
Actually when properly adjusted you should get a thick stinky DRY foam.There will be very little water in the cup.Even when the foam breaks down. Try turning the air all the way up,and the water flow all the way down.This is how most prizms that I have seen are set...ALSO,Does yours have the 12 bladed impeller??? If not call or email for a FREE replacement...(or is an 18 blade????anyhow,they upgraded it)


I think I got it set correctly because now there is a thick dirty foam coming out of it.
Mine is the brand new model and I new the old ones came with the 12 blade but I was reading the box and it said it came with an 18 blader, so I guess I'm happy with that.