question about nova extreme 8x54



I have these lights on my 75 and have some sps, a squamosa clam and many LPS/softies in the tank. Depending on the depth of the tank you should be able to keep most things in your tank under these lights. If you are really wanting to have no limitations you should look at the Nova Extreme Pro. Less bulbs but has the individual reflectors.


I've had this fixture for almost four years now on my 75 gallon reef. So far I have had everything but clams in my tank. I've had a lot of different sps and lps corals thrive beautifully in my tank under this light. The only complaint I about the fixture is the ballasts are garbage, I had to replace three so far.
the lighting is for a 90 gallon tank...the depth of the tank is about 24 that ok? or is it really REQUIRED that i upgrade to be able to keep what i want?
and is the nova extreme pro really better even though it has lower watts? the individual reflectors really make that big of a difference?


Well-Known Member
I had those lights on a 90 gallon tank that was 32" deep. You're fine. I kept sps and clams on the bottom too... successfully.
Only thing with T5's is that you have to replace the lights once every 6 months or else they will lose spectrum.