Originally Posted by nYgel
I'm just curious, what makes one want the compact nanos instead of the tank with all the other stuff added on later? Is it the fact you get everything at once or what? cuz i have a 29 gallon and i look at the nano 29 gallons and they look alot smaller and not as nice as my 29 gallon, also teh wierd glass confuses me, so yea.... why?
I liked the fact that it's an all-in-one type of thing. Since I'm just getting into the saltwater thing, I'm needing something that is "idiot-proof"!
As for it looking smaller, if you're referring to the size 29 Biocube, it is smaller. It doesn't hold 29 gallons. It holds 23 gallons, with some of that being in the wet/dry filter area in the back. I was kinda bummed when it was sold to me as a 29 gallon, then I get home and fill it only to find it's not even close!