Question about Protein Skimmer Install


Can anyone point me to a place where I can see directions with pictures preferably of how to install a protein skimmer in a sump???


Active Member
It depends on the skimmer. So you would need to look up the skimmer you are planning to use at the manufacturers www. The main points are to have the room for the skimmer and to set it in the right height of water. You would need to determine if the inside of the stand will be tall enough to fit the skimmer its stand and sill be able to remove the cup to be cleaned.
Here is my build thread read from post 60 on


Active Member
You want to put the skimmer behind a baffle in your sump to cut down on the micro bubbles that most skimmer will make. If you buy a sump then it should be made to house a skimmer. Your sump also needs a baffle to maintain a constant water level for the skimmer to sit in. If the water level goes up and down because of evaporation the skimmer will not stay adjusted. The skimmer stand I made was just plastic pipe and eggcrate lighting panel.