Question about QT setup


Active Member
In the next couple of weeks I'll be setting up a new tank. What I'm thinking about doing is plumbing a 55 gallon tank into the filtration system, with some type of valve to isolate the tank if neccessary. I would keep a HOB filter in the tank. When not in use water from my display would be running through the tank, and then if I need to add a fish to quaranteen, I would shut of the valves. Does this sound like it would work? Would the filter, and tank be cycled enough? If I treat the tank with meds I would remove the tank and clean before putting back online with the rest of the system?


Active Member
It's going to be a 240 FOWLR. The filtration setup will be a 30 gallon sump, and 55 gallon refugium. Then another 55 gallon for q-tank.


Staff member
The problem here is possible contamination. Parasites such as ich can live on the floor of the tank, rocks, etc. In fact, that is actually their starting point in life [surfaces in the aquarium], thus just emptying the water out is not going to address this. Also, if you ever use copper treatment [rarely if ever needed now days] copper could leech back in to your QT [even after it has been removed from the water] and, via the water exchange you propose, in to your display.
In theory this would be a nifty set up, but it will have its risks. To me setting up the QT independent of the display is the best way to go. It is a bit more work to condition the QT for new fish when you decide to add, but, if the goal is to introduce sick free healthy specimens to your display, then, IMO, the free standing QT is best.


Active Member
Thanks for the input. Just trying to think of an easy way to maintain the q-tank so that it would be ready at all times.