question about quarantine and ich


New Member
Our regal tang has ich...bad...we've quaratined her and have started copper treatment, so far, so good.
We also have two clown fish in our main tank that are not showing any sign of ich.
We are not treating the main tank with copper as we have live rock etc.
My question is, even tho the clown fish are not showing signs of ich, can they still be a "host" for ich and therefore should we quaratine and treat them as well?
We have purchased a coral beauty but it is still at the lfs and we will not be bringing it home until the ich is under control and the tang is back in the main tank.


Staff member

Originally posted by piseces
Our regal tang has ich...bad...we've quaratined her and have started copper treatment, so far, so good.
Good that you have a QT, but tangs have poor tolerance for copper. You should try and switch to hyposalinity. Read the posts on ich and hyposalinity in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
We also have two clown fish in our main tank that are not showing any sign of ich.....My question is, even tho the clown fish are not showing signs of ich, can they still be a "host" for ich and therefore should we quaratine and treat them as well?
Yes, once ich in in the tank, all fish in the tank are vulnerable and likely will get infested with the parasite. All fish should be QTed, and treated with hyposalinity.
We have purchased a coral beauty but it is still at the lfs and we will not be bringing it home until the ich is under control and the tang is back in the main tank.
Just be sure to QT the new fish when you do bring him hom. It would be a shame to go thru all of this again just because you didn't QT the new fish.