Question about skimmers...


I am looking at a few different types of skimmers for my 60G FOWLR.
Coralife Needle Wheel SS 210
Current USA Fission 210
Octopus NW 150
Has anybody used any of these and how do you like them?


i got nw150 and very happy with it. You can mod it to get even more skimmate. I believe ---- has nw150 on sale now for only 139 that is really cheap price for nw150


I had the Coralife set up on my 55 and, after the initial tweaking period, loved it! If you go this route, you will need to make sure that the pump intake is less than 3" form the water surface (to ensure proper air intake), and you will have to clean out the airline every couple of weeks, and you will hve to check the skimmer every day to make sure the foam level stays constant. It will need occasional adjustments, but all in all I was very pleased with this skimmer.


the coralife one has had alot of problems, when i worked at our LFS we got atleast one back a week, we used to sell them to everyone and stopped carrying them now, more then 1-2 ata time any ways. i heard alot of bad things. some people had went through 2-3 of them in 6 months we kept having to do a return/swap.