Question about Snowflake Moray


Hi all...just rescued a Snowflake Moray tonight (see my post in disease and treatment). He's about 14" long. What is normal behavior for these guys? Are they dormant under a rock for most of the time? Exploring most of the time? Any suggestions on favorite foods? I've never kept one before, and was not prepared for this one. Thanks!


Thanks for your time, I'll keep you posted. In case your interested, I got this great shot of him tonight :)
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


My snowflake is about is also about 14" and mostly likes to hide in the live rock but every night she loves to "go for a swim" and swims the length of my tank for about 1 hour before going back to her hiding space,They love rocks w/plenty of holes and mine has even dug into my sand bed to make dunes for herself under the rocks..
I have been warned by many that she would eat my hermit crabs but she has not,in fact she will only eat silverslides..good luck and as written above make sure there are no escape routes!


you should really enojoy it. i have had two. one for about five years and the new one is a few months old. the first on went with the tank. they just mainly stay under the rocks and come out to feed and swim some at night. be vary careful they will get out of the tank vary easily. seal up all openings. mine got out durning the night one time and stayed out for a long period of time. when i put him back in he lived.