question about stocking


New Member
Ok question about a fish only tank. I do know at 55g its too small but im planning on getting these fish as juveniles and upgrading the tank as they get bigger and i get a bigger tank. On to my list. Huma Huma trigger, dogface puffer, panther grouper, and a queen angel. My main supplier says theyd go fine together and I trust him alot he has never steered me wrong and doesnt give me advice just to make money. Has anyone ever had problems with a crew like question is what order would you put them in? I ll probly get 2 at a time for the tank. Thinking although theyre what I want the most its best to put the puffer and angel in last. Would just like some ideas. :happyfish


Active Member
i know you dont want to hear this but all of those fish in a 55 gallon will only cost you alot of money very fast because evan if they are juvies theyw ill need a bigger tank in about 2-4 months.. IMO iw ould just wait until you can get a 2-300 gallon for all of them since thats what most of them are going to need..


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i know you dont want to hear this but all of those fish in a 55 gallon will only cost you alot of money very fast because evan if they are juvies theyw ill need a bigger tank in about 2-4 months.. IMO iw ould just wait until you can get a 2-300 gallon for all of them since thats what most of them are going to need..

I'm in full agreement. A 55 is not a large tank, and none of those fish are suited to it by themselves let alone in combination. Planning for a bigger tank is nice and enjoyable, but the realitiy is that the upgrades often times don't come along for any number of reasons, and you're stuck with several big fish in a small tank. You might be able to keep the humu trigger for awhile in your tank. Mixing triggers and puffers is not always a good idea, and in a smal tank, it makes matters worse. Queen angels are very aggressive, and the panther grouper will outgrow the tank in a few months. If your lfs owner said all of these fish will be fine in a 55, he is really misleading you. You need to take into account adult sizes, growth rates, temperament and compatability. It's a bad mix unless the tank is extremely large.


Please listen to these guys your lfs guy couldnt be more wrong the first to go will be the angel dont risk it.Buy suitable fish for that enjoy them until you have the money for the bigger set up,dont put your wants in front of you fishes needs in the end you will both be unhappy.


New Member
Yeah I read these boards everyday atm as I am laid up on convalescent leave cause i shatered my ankle on a jump ( US Army paratrooper). So yes I am aware 55 is too small for these. I am Currently looking for the upgrade on the tank, that's not a problem. Hoping to have one by the time I have the fish and set up not much longer after it. I was just trying to be upfront and honest, I have seen it too many times, people just straight up putting something like tis together and not listening. My LFS isnt like the average. He is a hobbyist who has a set up out of his house. He has alot of different ideas than books folks read so maybe he has just had compatible fish when he had a group like this together. He also didnt tell me it was fine for these ina 55...he knows I am serious about my tanks and do my research. Mostly I just wanted others ideas about these fish together. Like I said he may have had good luck with a combo of fish others may have not. BTW looking for a tank in NC.

shark bait

Your in the service so who will watch the fish when you leave? I would say the 55 is great for a reef but the work in that is going to be hard for a friend to do if your out protecting our freedom. Thanks by the way!!
I'd look in to smaller fish as the above have said. And 2 at a time may be a huge bio load also.