question about tangs


i know ive asked this before but havent really gotten full responses or only from 1 or 2 people and would like more opinions so heres the question
can i have a regal blue tang and a powder blue tang together in a 90 gallon?
i wouldnt get tehm until after the tank is up for about a year but i really want them and i would bring them back or upgrade my tank if they got bigger in 2 years or so because it would take a while to get too big...
well thanks in advanced


Active Member
I would not do it personally, but yes, I am sure that a pb tnag and a regal should be ok together ina 90 gallon(if they are small) for a year or 2.


Active Member
I would think so, A 6 ft tank is a heck of a lot better than 4, I would still be a little nervouse about 2 tangs in there though.


New Member
I have a 125 reef with a yellow tang already in there going on two years now. later on today i'm going to add a regal tang and a naso tang to the tank at the same time. I'm very nervous! My gut feeling tells me that it will be fine. Before I add them in I am going to move around some of my rock in hopes that this might make the yellow tang tolerate his new friends a little better. I'll let you know what happens.