question about these


are you talking about the long stalks? If so you may want to place them closer to the lights and in less flow. What kind of lights do you have on them?


i have 8x54 t-5's, what i was meaning before, is that they were more together, not so spread out. does that make sense?
they are spread out because they are stretching, id move them higher in the tank and see if that helps, if not move them to an area with more flow. I had ugly brown ones before and i got new lights and they instantly shrank their stalk and their head and now they look great, so light could be the problem


Active Member
Just cuz of long stlks doesnt mean it needs more light. Could need more flow or just be like that no matter what. Ive had many zoas like that beffore.
Why is the calcium so high? Have u been dosing without testing parms?
A Goood Iodine n freshwater dip wouldnt hurt
on second look they dont look too hot at all, almost look dirty. Definitely do an iodine dip and rinse them pretty hard to try and "clean" them off, this should be done with any dip to get rid of pests but yeah


hmm, I am thinking that if there is detritus stuck on the zoos, then maybe they need enough flow to get it off.
will the stuff on the zoos come off easily? maybe a higher flow would help