Got this coral yesterday, obviously a plate. I was wondering if the brown on the plate is normal. I didn't really remember seeing that at the store. Does this look healthy?
looks kinda bleached, I think the plate is the right color and the tentacles are bleached. good light and good feeding and it should turn brownish with pink tips.
So the brownish coloring on the tenticles are OK? I will feed it silversides once a week and it is in the open under PC's. I should be good with all that?
Yeah it looks to me as if its gaining or loseing its zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae) just feed it keep it in medioum to high light on the sand and it should recover. LTP's are more sensitave and harder to recover than STP's are I would give it mysis shrimp also because Mysis are very nutritious and help boost immune systems in corals and fish.
THaw it in a little container of tank water then suck it up in a turkey baster and spray it gently onto the coral, some will stick and get eaten. give it a few seconds to start to open then do it again.
Hey Reefkprz, I tried the Mysis, didn't seem to do much. I put a Silverside on it ate it right up and the tenticles are actually white. The brown seemed to go away, not completely, but a lot less.