question about water/evaporation damage.


Im not sure if this is true, but it just poped into my head. If there is a sump installed inside the stand, won't the water that evaporates from the sump overtime start to damage the inside of the stand and make it weaker, and sooner or later may or may not collapse and destroy your tank? Let me know what your thoughts on this are. thanks.


Active Member
Not likely. But, you do need to clean the wood periodically to remove the salt creep.


If you live in a place with high humidity as I do there is probably already more moisture in the air than what you get from the evaporation from the tank. Most stands have open back as well and that should let it out instead of building up inside. I guess


Active Member
The only problem w/ water is if it was being splashed or dripped onto the stand, also it it ia a real concern, water proof it with a wood sealer.