Question about water...


Ok- got a question.
In the process of planning a 50 gallon reef tank, and the question i have no is in regards to water.
WE live in the suburbs of Buffalo, so we have city water. I have been advised by the guy at the LFS to either by distilled H20 by the gallon at the grocery store, OR buy a $50 filter from them that will let me make my own. (He laughed at me when i asked if i could just use our Britta... :( )
Anyway, someone else suggested use the tap water, and then add this stuff called 'PRIME' water conditioner. it worked great for them.
What i am looking for, is what you all think is the best thing to do-- the more suggestions, the better... thanks in advance! And i would like to add that this is a great board-- i have learned a ton in the short time i have been researching here!


If the water at your local grocery store is RO (Reverse Osmosis) then buy that. Or you can get your own RO machine at many water softner/hardware stores for about 150.00 - 200.00 that will generate about 5 gallons per day. I however find it quite easy to buy the water from a local store at 39 cents per gallon.