New Member
I was hoping someone might be able to help me. I found my yellow tang dead this afternoon when i got home from work. The water is fine, SG is 1.025 and nitrates and ph are great (just checked them last night). He looks like he was fine and was swimming around this morning when I walked passed him on my way out. I also lost a clownish last week. He had been looking depressed and kind of just hovered. Also my pumping xenia seems to be deforming or somthing. The little arms are almost like melting is how it looks. its all of a sudden all this is happening. before all was fine. Its a 50 gallon tank with one clownfish, 3 chromis, and this morning a yellow tang, a pumping xenia (one white one brown) the brown one is fine and is starting to develop new arms, and lots of snails and crabs and one bubble tip anemone.