Question adding an Angel to my tank


New Member
Hello all.
I set up my 125 gallon aquarium a couple months ago and just started adding fish recently. I want to add an Angel of some sort, but not sure what kind I can have with the fish I already have.
Here is what I currently have:
Lonhorn Cowfish
A pair of black clowns (They get along great)
Blue hippo tang
I was hoping that I could find a nice looking Angelfish that wasn't toooo bold. I don't want him/her to try attacking the Cowfish obviously.
The guy at my local pet store don't really care and just tries to make sales, so I thought I would ask here! (He told me that I could easily put a clown trigger in there, and it would be just fine.
Anyways, There was a few different Angels I was looking at and hoping they would be fine:
Koran Angel
Majestic Angel
Blue Angel
Queen Angel
French Angel
(I would really love a Koran or French)
And I'm probably pushing it with this:
Emporer Angel
Obviously, I want a big beautiful angel and I have no problem spending $150+....
All help is appreciated and thank you in advance...
PS - NOT a reef and NO crabs or inverts...

crypt keeper

Active Member
No angel will mess with your cowfish. I have an Emp angel and it ignores everybody in my tank. I also Have a Bi color.
How much live rock do you have? Does it have to be a large Angel? Most Large angels will out grow the set up.
What about 2 dwarf angels? Full grown Flame Angel will hit about 4 inches and a full grown Bicolor will hit about 6. They will be perfect in that tank for life and IMO are two of the most beautiful fish in this hobby.
I have a Bicolor. They do great in less aggressive set ups. The flame and him should ignore each other most likely. Big enough tank with enough hiding places. Always a small risk.
Clown trigger would do good in a 125 if bought around 2 inches for about 2 years IMO.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
No angel will mess with your cowfish. I have an Emp angel and it ignores everybody in my tank. I also Have a Bi color.
How much live rock do you have? Does it have to be a large Angel? Most Large angels will out grow the set up.
What about 2 dwarf angels? Full grown Flame Angel will hit about 4 inches and a full grown Bicolor will hit about 6. They will be perfect in that tank for life and IMO are two of the most beautiful fish in this hobby.
I have a Bicolor. They do great in less aggressive set ups. The flame and him should ignore each other most likely. Big enough tank with enough hiding places. Always a small risk.
Clown trigger would do good in a 125 if bought around 2 inches for about 2 years IMO.
Why not go with 2 nice dwarf angelfish instead?


Try a Annularis Angel great fish!
Hes not to agressive. If you want a French he will be the king of the tank mine is real mean at times. My Annularis is not to bad with other fish.


New Member
Wow, I had no idea that Queen Angels got THAT big! Scratch that off the list, lol.
As of now, I have about 90lbs of live rock in it. I wanted to get all my fish in it before I decided if it would need more.
I really like the Annularis, but I don't want it to outgrow the tank. Do you think an Annularis or a Koran will be OK once full grown?
Thanks everyone!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Smaller large angels. They stay Under a Foot. personally as the main show fish in the tank they would be perfect in a 125 IMO. You could also add a Dwarf later on. Some of those Angels are in the $400 range. The majestic is gorgeous hardy and not that expensive.
false Personifer angelfish