It's hard to tell what you mean in terms of the tubes, as they really aren't too visible in the pix, however, they're most likely tube worms/dusters of some description (
Chaetoplerid polychaetes, Vermatid gastropods, Sabellid dusters, Serpulid dusters, etc.).
Here's a link to a hitchiker ID guide that may help you as your tank matures:
As for the "algae" you have growing on your substrate/LR, that's not algae at all, but red Cyanobacteria (generally referred to as "cyano"). If your tank is pretty new, it may simply be going thru part of its maturation process, as new setups still haven't "settled in" yet (a newly-cycled setup is far from mature, BTW). It could also mean that there are too many nutrients in the water (nitrates, phosphates), your flow is insufficient, you've been neglecting water changes (or aren't changing enuff water), you may be using tap water that is high in nutrients, or finally, your lighting spectrum is wrong, your photoperiod is too long, or your lamps need changing (if they're over a year old, they definitely need to be swapped out.
As for your aquascaping, that's more or less up to you...if you're happy with it, cool, if not re-do it until you are. However, that one lonely rock out on the right seems like you had one last rock and just dropped it in serves no purpose other than to take up space in an otherwise open area. The tank also seems a bit shy on LR if you're using it as your biofiltration. Just my opinion...