Question: Candy Coral???


New Member
I started my 6 gallon nano a few weeks back and have cycled it.
ph. 8.0
amonia, nitite, nitrate=0
im adding a goby maybe a firefish and a pistol shrimp this friday. in 2 more weeks im adding mushrooms and zoos. can candy coral be added? Ive heard mixed views. its my first tank ever so any help is appreciated.


Active Member
what type of lighting do u have? candies dont need all that much, but at least PC's. also, dont add both of the fish right away.


New Member
The lighting is the following. I wont add the two fishes at once.
JBJ 18 Watt CFL Lighting
50/50 (10k/Actinic) Bulb Included
Nite Vu LED