Question/comment for the moderators


I have seen a few threads closed lately because members are asking others where they can get certain fish etc, and responses have inferences to other sites. I understand that when we are on SWF's boards, would should be recommending their site for purchases, but how else are we supposed to find out an alternative when they don't have something than by asking our co members for some help? I have bought items from as well as other online sites, and a few local LFS'. You just can't find everything in one place. If you could that would be great.
I looked under the contact section of this site, and either I missed it, or there does not appear to be a place to request orders for specific fish etc. Yes there is a wish list mechanism for fish they have had that are on the posts, but what of that which we do not see.
I love this site's boards for the valuable information that can be obtained and shared from fellow hobbyists. The number of others willing to help out aquarists of any level of experience is tremendous. My understanding is that we aren't even supposed to post our emails so we can email each other and make these suggestions without disrespecting
Can any or all of you chime in here with suggestions and/or comments. What can we do in the interest of the hobby at large to share this sort of information? I think that in the long run, it would only be helpful to everyone and in turn referals would be made back to as a part of this info sharing.


Active Member
well i think what theyre scared of is that we might just use the site as a way to get stuff maybe cheaper than they sell it, its also bettr to have them sell stuff as opposed to us advertising other sites for free, if we did theyd eventually would go out of business, the boards would be closed


Active Member
Links to other sites are not allowed to be posted because that would directly violate does not get anything in return for advertising for another site. If allowed links to other stores, other sites would get free advertising and then eventually people's money, while would then be paying money to host a message board that is directing people to spend money somewhere else. That does not make any sense.
As harsh as this may sound, Google is not difficult to use. If you really cannot find something here, Google what you are looking for. Ultimately though, wants you spending money here. That is why they offer great services like this message board. They want people here, and not other places. If there is really something you are looking for and never has it, email them and suggest it to them. Maybe they would begin stocking it if they get enough requests for it.
They know that customers are bound to talk about competitors, but there is no reason why it has to be done on something that pays money to host.


Just so you guys all know, I really understand why this happens. I just wanted to put the discussion out there to hear from a few others on their opinionsand what all the mods had to say.
I was sort of playing devil's advocate because the threads usually get closed before those infringing get to reply. Maybe we should just close this one so I don't stirr up too much
I don't know how to delete a thread, so go ahead


Active Member
Originally Posted by cagRN
Just so you guys all know, I really understand why this happens. I just wanted to put the discussion out there to hear from a few others on their opinionsand what all the mods had to say.
I was sort of playing devil's advocate because the threads usually get closed before those infringing get to reply. Maybe we should just close this one so I don't stirr up too much
I don't know how to delete a thread, so go ahead
No, it is perfectly fine to ask about something. You did nothing wrong by being inquistive. I am sure other moderators may chime in as well.


Att Lion Crazz.
You haven't responded to CayRN's question about the no-no e-mailing policy between members...
I have asked many times that question (I feel it is the main flaw of this site that I love)... Some members are extremely knowledgable on a specific subjects that interest you.... the only option is a generic "reply" that they may or may not see.
A direct e-mail would be to the point (no hit and miss).... If the contacted member doesn't like it or do not want to respont: No problem (DELETE).


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Links to other sites are not allowed to be posted because that would directly violate does not get anything in return for advertising for another site. If allowed links to other stores, other sites would get free advertising and then eventually people's money, while would then be paying money to host a message board that is directing people to spend money somewhere else. That does not make any sense.
As harsh as this may sound, Google is not difficult to use. If you really cannot find something here, Google what you are looking for. Ultimately though, wants you spending money here. That is why they offer great services like this message board. They want people here, and not other places. If there is really something you are looking for and never has it, email them and suggest it to them. Maybe they would begin stocking it if they get enough requests for it.
They know that customers are bound to talk about competitors, but there is no reason why it has to be done on something that pays money to host.
I find the theory that other sites will make money instead of SWF a little flawed. There is a lot of stuff other sites offer that SWF just doesn't carry, meaning people are going to other places for a lot of stuff anyway. Maybe SWF should improve their inventory and pricing if they're worried so much about compeition.


Active Member
email between 2 people on here does eveyone else (on here)no good. Plus it controls unwanted spam emails etc. If you want some one to contact you then provide them your addy, but this again is not recommended and you do so at your own risk. Barry


Active Member
Originally Posted by scrapman
Att Lion Crazz.
You haven't responded to CayRN's question about the no-no e-mailing policy between members...
I have asked many times that question (I feel it is the main flaw of this site that I love)... Some members are extremely knowledgable on a specific subjects that interest you.... the only option is a generic "reply" that they may or may not see.
A direct e-mail would be to the point (no hit and miss).... If the contacted member doesn't like it or do not want to respont: No problem (DELETE).
What is it that one could do or say in an email that they cannot do on the message board?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What is it that one could do or say in an email that they cannot do on the message board?
Send a link to another site, one that won't get immediately deleted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Send a link to another site, one that won't get immediately deleted.
Right, and like stated, that would be working against the rules of the forum.

rabid frog

Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
email between 2 people on here does eveyone else (on here)no good. Plus it controls unwanted spam emails etc. If you want some one to contact you then provide them your addy, but this again is not recommended and you do so at your own risk. Barry
But threads in which you provide your email get locked and the addy deleted. So it is not at our own risk but at your discression.
email between 2 people does a lot of good. Like steering a person away from a bad site. Since we cannot post good or bad experiences from other sites the only way to do it via email.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What is it that one could do or say in an email that they cannot do on the message board?
For one, you can discuss a topic of interest w/o the input of several other people, who may not know what they're talking about. With all respect to the owners of this site and their reasons for the no link policy, this hobby is about sharing information, and IMO, this can and should take different forms. This is the only site that I know of that doesn't offer email access or private messaging. I recieve pm's from members at different sites on topics I respond too and the poster would like a more in depth discussion w/o the hassle of sifting through BS responses. Even when I used to mod here, there were issues with the pm and email policy. A vendor (online or otherwise) will survive on their merits (customer service, prices, quality). Allowing links to other sites that might contain good info on a topic should not be perceived as a threat, but again, simply sharing info. One of the largest online vendors of SW related goods has their own BB and links to other sites and info are not restricted. The no link policy will always be the biggest bone of contention with this site. Realistically, if you see a link and visit the site, do you never return to the site where you got the link? Doubtful. No one should be naiive to think that most of us don't belong to several other BB's. They each have their strong points and conversley their weaknesses, but if info is to be shared and that is restricted, how does it benefit the hobbyist? It's a big SW world out there and rather than force people to go elsewhere to get info, why not make it available through links, or at least the ability of members to pm each other. I could help many folks out with some fantastic links to disease and treatment related articles but can't. What a shame. At least with a p.m. feature, you could direct someone to this info. I doubt this will ever change but that's my read on it. There are some wonderfully knowledgeable people here, but no one site can provide all you'll ever need in this hobby.


Active Member

Originally Posted by rabid frog
But threads in which you provide your email get locked and the addy deleted. So it is not at our own risk but at your discression.
email between 2 people does a lot of good. Like steering a person away from a bad site. Since we cannot post good or bad experiences from other sites the only way to do it via email.
You are NOT correct. threads get locked when someone asks for a site or to buy something; they get told no you cannot do that and then they ask to be emailed. We are complying with wishes and since they own these boards and do not charge for this service they get what they want.
These rules are simple to follow
. Barry


i had the same problem they didnt have things i wanted could not get in touch with anyone about seeing if it could be ordered so i asked and they closed my thread and to this day still havent gotten any answers from them i understand where they come form but we do want things they dont carry and never have we are just finding out where we can get them but they wont even allow us to e-mail each other back and forth to find out thats going a little to far in my eyes


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jason888
i had the same problem they didnt have things i wanted could not get in touch with anyone about seeing if it could be ordered so i asked and they closed my thread and to this day still havent gotten any answers from them i understand where they come form but we do want things they dont carry and never have we are just finding out where we can get them but they wont even allow us to e-mail each other back and forth to find out thats going a little to far in my eyes
Run-on sentances are very difficult to read. That whole thing made very little sense to me. Sorry. The rules are clear and must be adhered to. Emails get exchanged all the time on here, IF YOU are NOT trying to circumvent the rules they get left alone. Barry


I have read this thread with great interest. I have had a problem with this part of the policy since i joined up. All of my views have been expressed in one post or another, so i won't rant. I will say that its pretty easy to post your email with the intention of exchanging ideas in a free and open manner. Just don't say that is what it is for. The thought police can't know everything.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Jason888
i had the same problem they didnt have things i wanted could not get in touch with anyone about seeing if it could be ordered so i asked and they closed my thread and to this day still havent gotten any answers from them i understand where they come form but we do want things they dont carry and never have we are just finding out where we can get them but they wont even allow us to e-mail each other back and forth to find out thats going a little to far in my eyes

But SWF owns
this board. They can make whatever rules they want.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What is it that one could do or say in an email that they cannot do on the message board?
That's not the point...
If you find a very knowledgeable member on a specific subject that fascinates you and you'd like to explore further, what's the option (no-no e-mail policy)?
The only option is to post a reply with maybe a title "Att so&so"... and what? Hope that he/she stumbles on it, read it, answer it? No guarantee he/she will stumbles on it.... You can't miss an e-mail in your mail box. You open it or you delete it!