Question Concerning Mantis Shrimp and Dwarf Lionfish.


New Member
I have a tank that was going to be just a mantis shrimp tank, a peacock mantis about 5 inches in length and I saw a Dwarf Lionfish at my LFS and I was wondering anyones input on if this is just a terrible idea, or if it possibly could work.


Active Member
I would say its a bad idea . Most people who keep a fish in their mantis tank opt for a meaner clown fish spieces . The lion is not so much aggressive as it is just preditory in nature . I think a mantis would end up killing the lion .


The mantis would shred the lion's fins in no time. They are considered aggressive because they can, and will, eat fish that fit into their mouths. They are not aggressive, at all, to anything that they cannot eat. Lions do not even pick at other fish.


Active Member
Being a fuzzy dwarf owner...I fully agree with Crash and Sep.
Bad Idea. A peacock would end up killing a fuzzy dwarf in time. Fuzzies are just way too mellow and would make an easy target for a Peacock.
IMHO, a 5" peacock mantis is a sole inhabitant tank type of critter. Anything is fair game for it after a while. Even if just for play.


Active Member
this brings up a point I have been thinking of for a while . I think that this should be changed to predetor forum . Because fish can be preditory with out being agggressive . Such as lion fish , frog fish , rays and sharks . But then triggers and puffers angels and such are preditory but are also aggressive . Aggressive lumps the fish into a group that some dont belong in .


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
this brings up a point I have been thinking of for a while . I think that this should be changed to predetor forum . Because fish can be preditory with out being agggressive . Such as lion fish , frog fish , rays and sharks . But then triggers and puffers angels and such are preditory but are also aggressive . Aggressive lumps the fish into a group that some dont belong in .
If I am not mistaken, there was a shark and ray forum. Lions will be considered aggressive because they eat fish and are venomous, yet they have the BEST personality IMO.
IMHO, a 5" peacock mantis is a sole inhabitant tank type of critter. Anything is fair game for it after a while. Even if just for play.
I fully agree


If you were to put an eel in with a mantis, one would kill the other. Most species of eels eat crustations, so the eel would probably find the mantis shortly after being introduced to the tank.
I would go with a species specific tank for the mantis. Maybe toss a damsel or two in for some movement and an emergency food source. Anything else is just going to be an expensive loss.


Yea, I own 2 lions and they are the least agressive fish I have. Other than their eating habits, they are very peaceful. I wouldn't put them in a tank with something as agressive as a mantis.