Question concerning QT's


Just a few Questions concerning the QT. If I place some LR that's in my display tank, in the QT with a sponge filter, heater and light. Do I have to place some LS in there too ???? Does the salt level of the QT, have to be lower than that of the display tank ? Does the QT have to cycle, and what can I do to prevent QT cycle?
(QT = 10 gal tank)
55 gal with cherry wood stand and canopy
wet/dry filter with bio's and sump
2 402 PH
300 watt heater
55 LR
65 LS
Berlin Skimmer
1 green chromis
1 coral banded shrimp
2 pepmint shrimps
1 camel back shrimp
5 turbo snails
16 Hermit crabs


New Member
From what I read in the Disease forum, heres my 2 cents.
The QT shouldnt have any substrates (no lr/ls). You can use some of the water from your main tank to fill your QT but it will cycle as well. Not sure how to keep it from cycling.
Your salinity should be as close as your main tank as possible. It will be less stress on the fish when you put them back in to your main tank.
If youre gonna treat your new arrivals or sick fish with hyposalinity, I would do a search on how to do the hypo treatment stuff.


Dont use a substrate. Just paint the bottom on the outside of the tank. If you use LR or LS hyposalinity will kill off LR and LS. Just a heater and something to circulate the water. I added a couple of fake plants for the fish to have somewhere to hide. You can add a piece of LR but as I said hypo will kill it and if you add any meds then you definatly dont want to add the LR back to your tank. You also need to get the QT tank cycled before adding any sick fish to it.


Well IMO the best treatment is hyposalinity. I would do this way before I add any meds. True, if you dont do hypo and add all kinds of meds then I would change the water. Maybe only about 10%.


Active Member
If you have already done this than just ignore this post. If you post this in the disease and treatment forum---Beth will help you out. Also in that forum Beth has a sticky there I believe with all the basic QT info and such.


No I havent begun to set up My QT as of yet, just wanted to get some ideas on what is to be done. Would like to say thank you to all who response to this post. Thank You !!!!!!!