Question for all pseudochromis owners...


Active Member
Hey guys, what is yalls personal experience with pseudochromis' and shrimp (skunk cleaners?) I've decided for my tank I want a psuedochromis of some sort (probably neon or flavivertex) and a large tomato clownfish. I've read many conflicting reports on psuedo's being housed with shrimps and crabs. I've read if they are the last thing added to the tank, they will be fine. I've also read they can be two-faced, being fine for months or even years, and then just snapping and killing shrimp and crabs. There will be more than plenty hiding places for the pseudo (and shrimp for that matter.) What are yall's experience with them in reef tanks? Bo


Active Member
Hmmm, I did not know about the shrimp thing. And that worries me. One, because I was about to get a bunch of shrimp. Two, because my purple pseudo is a vicious little bugger. I got a royal gramma hitchiker (Yup, not kidding) in a piece of rock once. Needless to say he rushed it constantly, like james' pseudo, and eventually killed it.
Now, he messed with my Banggaii's too. They are also not with me anymore. I think I might have to find him a new home, because I want shrimp. Research time.
So, take that into account.... two pseudo responses so far.... two aggressive pseudos.
I wish I still had my 12 inch Clown Trigger, and 3 foot Tessy Eel. Bye Bye pseudo. Thats right... fish food... and Greenpeace can stuff that down their throat. :D


I had a bi-color psuedochromis and a camel shrimp together for about 7 months. The psuedo only harrassed my other fish (he ruled over three damsels). He didn't mess with my inverts. He went to a lfs along with the 3 damsels.


i have had a pseudo in my 30 gal for about 8 months now and have had no problems with shrimp or crabs. snails are a different story. ive seen him kill numerous nassarius snails.i would not buy another one after seeing his aggresiveness towards other fish, and his tendency to hide all the time. they are quick as hell and if you put him in i dont think you will be able to get him out without removing your live rock.


i know that pseudochromis are very aggressive and they will harass eachother and royal grammas but i was wondering if thy would still do that in a 180 gallon FOWLR that isnt aggresive but tougher than your typical reeftank. The psuedochromis i have in mind are springers, royal dottyback, magenta dottyback, orchid dottyback and a purple stripe pseudochromis. I would probably try and put 4 of those in a 180 with a lot of other fish. Just wonderin if that would be a big enough tank so they wouldnt harass eachother or other quieter fish like royal grammas,dwarf angels and clowns. Thanks


Active Member
Mine is in an Oceanic 200, and he would shoot across the tank like a little purple flash to get that gramma, and the banggaiis. They are little lunatics.


i think the only reaon they are not considered an agressive fish is because of their size. pound for pound they might be the most aggressive fish ive ever seen.


Active Member
Hmm.....seems to be kind of hit and miss with inverts. The only other fish is going to be an adult tomato clown, which I think can hold it's own against a pseudo. I think the flavivertex might be the safest bet......I know a couple of people who have kept them in reef tanks without problems. Neon's and orchid's seem to be more aggressive. Did yall introduce yalls to the tank last? Still trying to decide........Bo


I have mixed emotions about pseudos. My purple pseudochromis has been beating the crap out of my mandarin. She is starting to look bad. Her fins are town and she hasn't been getting enough food so her stomach is pinched in. The books say to have bigger or dissimilar fish than that of your pseudo to prevent conflicts. Since my mandarin is smaller and also purple I guess that makes her a prime target. I think I'll just trade her in and get larger fish that can defend themselves more. First I gotta set up a separate tank and feed her up or they won't take her:(


Active Member
My purple pseudochromis has been beating the crap out of my mandarin.
Sorry to hear about that. That is what usually happens when a passive bottom dweller is housed with a pseudo. You have to chose tankemates very wisely.....Bo


i had both the neon and orchid. both were pure evil. im sure you can find compatible fish, but both of mine hid all the time whenever someone approached the tank. everyone always asks me if its a new fish and its been in there for months.