Question for anemone specialists


Active Member
Now that I have two anemones, I'm pretty sure they are different kind.
RBTA ~ Rose Bubble Tip Anemone and the other just a RTA ~ Rose Tip Anemone.
Can someone please confirm that these are indeed 2 different types of anemones.

My other

The reason why I'm wondering is the structure of their tips. I haven't seen the second one do any type of bubble formation like the other one is doing most of the time.
Also the true bubble tip is over twice the price of a the other.


Active Member
They are identical... the appearance of the tenticals in this instance is not a factor in determining the species. They are both E. Quadricolor's aka bubble tip anemones... rose ones too. Price is usually determined by the shade of rose they are... however in the pics you show one of the anemones is not fully inflated the other is. Their colors will look different when the are in different states..
Here is mine same anemone different times the pics were taken...



Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Thanks!! That's what I needed to know. Any idea what gets them to *bubble up*?
nope its theroized that they bubble as a defense mechanism.. so for instance if you feed them, they may bubble to fill the voids between their tenticals so other critters cannot easily steal their food. Its also stated that in a newer environment they are a bit more defensive so they tend to bubble at first, once they get acustomed to their surroundings and are comfy, they lose them. Based on the mannerisms of my anemone I tend to agree with the above theorys, but there is no conclusive evidence to say why they bubble and why they do not. The only thing that is definate is that bubbling or non bubbling tips is no indication of a healthy or unhealthy specimen.


Active Member
Thanks hon!
The RBTA in the 150 reef then must be extremely comfortable with the surroundings. Then again it had very short travel time. The other one came from California to NC.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Thanks hon!
The RBTA in the 150 reef then must be extremely comfortable with the surroundings. Then again it had very short travel time. The other one came from California to NC.
your quite welcome... and it would be safe to assume that. Both specimens look very healthy, no worries there, just more time needed for one to "settle in" good luck.