question for TheRock

tru conch

Active Member
hey, i saw your email post about what jobs people have. i am an 0311 sgt (in the inactive ready reserves) but when i was active duty i spent two years working in the G-4 shop at Marine Corps University on mainside. i just wanted to say semper fi, and good luck with the tank.


Semper Fi, I am stationed at The Basic School training Lieutenants. I am a Sgt Artillery scout Observer 0861.

tru conch

Active Member
ah. my roommate was with the 03's out there, i was supposed to end up at tbs as well, but somehow i landed a dreadful desk job. i did know one guy, sgt christoff who was with the arty demo unit out there. anyways good to see a fellow marine on this web site. good luck up there, i know all about the nonsense of quantico. take it easy